The IOLMaster is a combined biometry device for measurements on the human eye required for the preoperative computation of intraocular lens power. It is capable of fast and precise consecutive measurement of the following eye parameters in one session: axial length, corneal curvature, anterior chamber depth and optionally “white-to-white”. All measurements are non-contact, providing excellent patient comfort. The axial length measurement is based on a patented interference optical method known as partial coherence interferometry (PCI). The displayed results of the axial length measurements are compatible with the ultrasonic immersion measurements of axial length via the use of an internal, statistically verified calculation algorithm. The familiar formulae for IOL calculation can thus be used. Considering the fact that axial length measurements by A-scan ultrasonography (using a standard 10-MHz transducer) have a typical resolution of 0.10 mm to 0.12 mm, axial length measurements by the IOL Master represent a fivefold increase in accuracy. The IOL Master allows fast, accurate measurements of eye length and surface curvature, necessary for cataract surgery. The IOL Master is more efficient because it allows measurements to be taken with complete confidence in the accuracy of the results. Also, because the IOL Master is non-contact (nothing touches the eye itself), there is no need for anesthesia and there is no potential for spread of contamination from the IOLMaster.
Measuring Ranges:
- Axial length 14 – 40 mm
- Depth of anterior chamber 1.5 – 6.5 mm
- Corneal radii 5 – 10 mm
- White-to-white 8 – 16 mm
Scaling Displays:
- Scaling of display • Axial length 0.01 mm
- Corneal radii 0.01 mm
- Depth of anterior chamber 0.01 mm
- White-to-white 0.1 mm
Formulas for IOL Calculation:
- RK II, SRK/T, Holladay, Hoffer Q, Haigis
- Clinical history and contact lens fitting method for calculation of the corneal refractive power subsequent to refractive corneal surgery
- Haigis-L for IOL calculation for eyes after myopic/hyperopic LASIK/PRK/LASEK
- Calculation of phakic anterior and posterior chamber implants
- Optimization of IOL constants Interfaces
- Data interface for office management systems
- Data export to CD-RW or USB storage media
- Provision of data for Holladay IOL Consultant and HIC.SOAP Pro
- Ethernet port for network connection and network printer
- Compliance with HIPAA directive (USA only)in regard to user authentification and identification
This Zeiss IOL Master 5.4 comes equipped with:
- 6 Month warranty
- Power table (optional)
- Manual
- Printer (optional)
- Keyboard and Mouse
- Dust cover